Why do dogs bark at nothing at night?

Why do dogs bark at nothing at night?

Below are eleven frequent reasons why dogs howl at night and the likelihood that your dog barks for one of these causes.


Dogs are often intended to have daily exercise. Your dog’s nighttime barking may be partially attributable to the fact that he has not received sufficient exercise. This is particularly probable if the dog tends to bark more in the evenings when it has not been exercised. Ensure that your dog receives the appropriate amount of activity for its age and breed.


Another plausible explanation for its nighttime howling is hunger. It is possible that it has not been eating enough or must wait too long between meals. If it is now exclusively fed in the mornings, it may be beneficial to feed it less in the mornings but the evenings as well.

An issue with its diet

So, It is also possible that there is a problem with its diet. It may not be eating enough, eating things it shouldn’t, or not receiving the nutrients it requires in its diet. It would be beneficial to ensure that you have been feeding it a healthy diet and that it has not been consuming anything it shouldn’t.


Anything may have been causing its nighttime discomfort. This is more likely if the animal has displayed other indicators of distress, such as limping, and if the behavior has appeared unexpectedly. In this situation, the best action would be to take the animal to a veterinarian.

Encouraging the behavior

It is also possible that you have promoted its nighttime barking by rewarding it when it does so. If it barks for no apparent reason, such as needing to urinate, but you pay attention to it when it does so, it will likely bark more to receive more attention.

It would be more beneficial to give it care in the mornings, when it is not barking, and to avoid giving it attention at night, when it begins barking, unless necessary.

Separation phobia

It may be suffering from separation anxiety. This is where it dislikes being left alone and becomes worried when left alone. This is more likely if the dog sleeps in a separate room from you or has begun to bark since it cannot sleep with you. It would also be more probable if it becomes nervous when you would ordinarily leave the house or go to bed. Following the advice in this Amazon book about how to treat dog separation anxiety could be helpful.

Your dog hears nighttime sounds.

There is a possibility that it hears sounds that it dislikes at night. This would be more likely if the dog only barked on certain nights or when it was in a specific room.

An issue with your dog’s sleeping conditions

It is also possible that there is a problem with the sleeping environment. It may be too hot, too loud, too bright, or too noisy to lie down comfortably, or there may not be enough space.

Your dog must urinate during the night.

Another possible explanation is that it has to urinate. This is especially likely if it is a puppy and tends to bark more in the evenings when it cannot relieve itself.

A change in your dog’s nighttime routine

Dogs often enjoy having a routine they can adhere to. If your dog has begun to bark since you altered its nighttime schedule, it may be confused about what is happening. For instance, it may be challenging to adapt to the new pattern if you have begun going to bed earlier or have been putting it to sleep in a different location. In this scenario, it would likely be beneficial to wait for the dog to adjust to the new schedule and avoid rewarding it when it barks unless it appears to be communicating a need to urinate, for example.


As dogs age, their joints grow uncomfortable, which may cause their nighttime barking. This is more probable if your dog is elderly and has been exhibiting signs of discomfort during the day and night. In this instance, it would be beneficial to consult your veterinarian.

How to stop your dog’s nighttime barking?

Here are some methods for stopping your dog’s nighttime barking.

Avoid contributing to the barking

As stated previously, it may be doing so in an attempt to receive further attention or rewards from you unless it appears to be barking for another purpose, such as to go outdoors to urinate, a problem with its sleeping area, or an injury.

Give it exercise

If your dog is healthy, you should also ensure it can get the breed-appropriate amount of daily exercise. It may also be beneficial to have it engage in more physically demanding activities, like playing fetch.

Ensure that your dog is receiving the proper nutrition.

As stated previously, there may be a problem with its diet. It would be beneficial to ensure that it has been receiving the proper diet, that no one has fed it without your knowledge, that it does not have access to foods it should not consume, and that it has been fed earlier in the evening.

Do not feed your dog after midnight

It may also be beneficial to refrain from feeding it immediately before night since this may be causing it to struggle to fall asleep.

Ensure your dog’s sleeping environment is perfect

It would also be beneficial to ensure that the room it sleeps in is cool, dim, quiet, and spacious enough to sleep soundly.

Cage conditioning

Crate training teaches your dog to feel at ease within a crate made for canines. If you correctly crate-train your dog, it will have a haven to retreat. This will give your dog an area where it can feel secure when you are not around.

Allow your dog to urinate before bedtime.

It would also be beneficial to ensure that it can urinate before bedtime, as it may have been barking because it has to urinate.


Suppose it begins barking after a change in its nighttime routines, such as when you placed it in a different room without it, it will likely stop within a few days or weeks. In this situation, it would be beneficial to remain patient and avoid rewarding the dog for barking. If it does not improve after a few weeks, it would be beneficial to consult a dog behaviorist or a veterinarian.

Please take it to a vet

If it has been exhibiting signs of pain or excessively barking, it would be beneficial to take it to a veterinarian. By doing so, you should be able to rule out medical problems and receive individualized expert guidance for your dog.

Why does my dog bark at night outside?

If your dog only barks at night outside, it may be because it hears or smells other animals nearby or because it is territorial.

Why is my dog suddenly barking at night?

The cause of your dog’s sudden nighttime barking is most likely a sudden event. It may be because of an injury, a change in its sleeping environment, or because it has learned that the behavior is rewarded. In this case, it may be beneficial to consider what else occurred before the onset of the undesirable behavior.


In the middle of the night, Dogs bark because they hear sounds that excite or alarm them. The most straightforward approach to calm down your dog is to confine him to one room while he sleeps. This room should ideally not face the street if you live in a high-traffic location or the backyard if you live in a wildlife-rich area.

Your dog should not sleep outside if he is a nighttime barker. If he frequently hears sounds that make him anxious, he will be unable to settle by himself. Bring your dog inside to benefit your neighbors and your tranquility.

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